Guest Blog from Sylvana Osorio, wife of Jose Federico Osorio

On July 15 and 16 pianist Jose Federico Osorio will play Beethoven’s complete piano concertos with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Here Jorge’s wife, Sylvana, explains what it is like being married to a world-renowned pianist and how they both share a passion for the arts.  

People sometimes ask me how it feels to be married to a major classical performing musician, or what I experience in the audience when I attend one of his performances. I’ve been married to Jorge for 34 years, and I always get a thrill listening to him play in concert. Attending a live performance is indeed magical and exciting; each concert feels and sounds different, even if I have heard him play the same piece before. Around the house, we both enjoy listening to the radio (WFMT and WBEZ). Opera and lieder are particular favorites if we’re listening to something together, and we occasionally add chamber and orchestral music. We also like jazz and Latin American music in general. I work full-time, so it is only very occasionally that I can travel with him when he tours. However, before our sons were born, I did go along whenever possible. I have had the privilege of going with Jorge to Israel, Scandinavia, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Poland, Russia, Turkmenistan and, of course, Mexico and several parts of the United States. There isn’t much free time when you are traveling with a musician, but you do get to meet wonderful people and sample the local cuisine!

Sylvana Osorio